Friday, May 11, 2012

Hexadecimal Highway 16 and the West Road, Watertown, Wisconsin RD help explain the Nitrogenous BASES bio-computer data record LOCK symbolized by the NBA sports lockout.


Humans are  bio-computers. The brain is a symbolic data processing unit. We breath oxygen atomic mass 16 into our LUNGs us the Base 16 hexadecimal processing device LU = Logical Unit  with NG = Nitrogen Gas giving equation LU + NG = LUNG.   The ancient Roman empire was built using bio-computer data processing to build the water  aqueducts and the Roman Highway system.
350 × 229 - These aqueducts were quite a challenge to build. The engineering had to be 

The last 60 years...from 1950/1960 ........modern society has used copper wire computers for data processing. 
These are some sense.... of our bio-computer --> the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer.

Given, the above....let look at bio-computer data published in the  newspaper this case the brain cell WALL --> WALL Street Journal news reports  from inside the human brain.    Some of their reporters have special insight powers........enhanced by listening to Pink Floyd music  THE WALL on a headset as they walk down the STREET   to  work  at the JOURNAL  news  building.

For such studies, a good geography location on Computer Earth system 370 is the LANDAU geo-physics region of  hexadecimal Highway 16 at Watertown, Wisconsin.  The surrrounding region is composed of  Base 16 HEX'Fa'  =250 Farm fields .....that is  Farm DATA FIELDS predicted by Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory with LANDAU --> LAN + DA + U  = Local Area Network Data Universe.

What computer science news is covered by the JOURNAL regarding   NBA = Nitrogenous BASES data proccessing  by the National Basketball Association of  molecular cell biology sports expressions,

The above  words may have multiple levels of understanding.  The phrase.."Reading between the lines" refers to the possibility that a   2nd message that is different ...may be embedded .....may be a subset of the original message.  Let's look at the possible 2nd message of the English language report.

a) word sport = S + port --> System   I/O  ports 

Above words:
N BAL --> Numberic BAL = Basic Assembler Language used by biology, copper computers, and geography COMPUTER EARTH system 370

Mr.West --> possible signal to West Road math /science, Cambridge University and Nature's backup system at West Road, Watertown Wisconsin, USA --> Universe SAMPLE space RD region called Earth Lab.

NBA season....subset letters
N  BAse --> Numeric  Bases like base 2, base 4, base 16.
N  BAse --> Nitrogen BAse such as U.A.ARMY biochemistry military bases......
...... Fort Hood, Soldier Read Center battle with biochemistry MAJOR Ni (Nidal Hasan)..military agent for Nature's biochemistry systems ..Ni --> Nitrogenous Bases. Below, we show  the agent for NH = Nidal Hasan...and how the superior ethics of the Office of Science refuses to help  explain what happened. Perhaps, someday Washington,DC.  may express curiosity about the SCIENCE WAR  signals.

The U.A.ARMY  biochemistry experiment at Fort Campbell , Kentucky resulted in a college textbook on Nature's molecular military systems and tools.

newspaper words:
NBA Lockout gives
N  BAL  Lock out  P + layers

Numeric Basic Assembler Language data record LOCK output Processing layers  regarding human brain computer problems  and bio-computer system problems ,...that is ..the social engineering ERRORS, abends,  and social economic macro  DUMPS  of  bio-computer MACROeconomics.


  1. - Similar
    For VSAM data sets, you must not change the key field in the record. ... the update is made to both the source VSAM KSDS and the in-memory data table. ... not wait if VSAM is holding an active lock against the record, including records locked ...
  2. DELETE - IBM - Similar
    Delete a record from a file — VSAM KSDS, VSAM RRDS, and data tables only. ... if VSAM is holding an active lock against the record, including records locked ...

  1. VSAM data sets - IBM - Similar
    VSAM data sets are held on direct access storage devices (DASD) auxiliary storage. ... A key-sequenced data set has each of its records identified by a key. .... If you open a file in RLS mode, locking takes place at the record level instead of the ...
  2. Virtual Storage Access Method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
    Virtual storage access method (VSAM) an IBM disk file storage access method, first used in ... Originally a record-oriented filesystem., VSAM comprises four data set organizations: Key Sequenced Data Set (KSDS), Relative Record Data Set (RRDS), Entry .... This adds record caching and, more importantly, record locking.

  1. Investigating file control waits - IBM
    See Resource type ENQUEUE--waits for locks on files or data tables. ... Wait for VSAM to reject any system requests issued against the SMSVSAM ..... A resource name of FCDSRNGE indicates a wait for a range lock in a recoverable KSDS

  1. CICS Tips & Tricks - Advanced Debugging System (ADS) for CICS - Similar
    You can download most of these resources from IBM developerWorks Toolbox. ... When using a VSAM KSDS file in CICS and one need's to position the key to the ... not have a locking facility for Temporary Storage, while VSAM locks the entire CI. .... The original task, after issuing its wait, reads the temporary storage record.

  1. CICS File Control Debugging Techniques Ed Addison - IBM
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    2F31B2A0 AAAAAAA VSAM KSDS BASE NO 1 NO YES RUADB OPEN ENA ...... VSAM locks the CI when the record has been read, and CICS locks the record ...

Thus, we see the copper wire computer LOCK  and sometimes it creates a problem.
For human bio-computer systems a similar situation can occur  .....the  Sport =  System I/O Port  with the a possible signal by the National Basketball Association of a  bio-computer data  record lock problem in society at large  and /OR  a DNA bio-computer  Nitrogen base symbolic processing problem.

The Base 16 Hexadecimal curse/hex of April 16 at Virginia TECH was another signal...regarding  the English language symbolic computer  ERRORS and the Virgina TECH new generation of CAD =  Computer Aided Design and their bio-computer application to  student CAD  = CADAVERS.

The newspaper words
evening off -days --> even integers Hex'off' = 255 da = data days

Let's look at another newspaper  article for the secret languages that editiors and reporters have.

Above we have the computer industry problems that spread to bio-computer structures.

The blue handwritten ink note..refers to an enzymes lock-and-key -problems  with biology VSAM KSDS = Key Sequenced Data SET records   ...such as the PENN STATE  student campus enzyme trial of Jerry Sandusky and the locker room issue. Sadly, Penn State continues their intellectual clown show ...and refuse to help understand the Social Science WARS.   Thus the NBA and Penn State have a common intellectual disease in awareness.....called awarness deficiency ..which now affect 90% of the world population.

Below is a  DNA sketch  of the body structure of a basketball player .....that is also an oxygen molecule 32 point guard for the LUNG air molecule military  unit ..known as
Nato Military ...better known  at DARPA and university scientists  as
N atoM --.> the Nitrogen atom  of the gas atomic soldiers ...of Nature's military team comprised of liquids, solids, and gases.  

The sketch  ...we see the 2 legs of a basketball player in the bottom half...and then his body/chest in the upper half  .......thus the well-known biochemistry basketball secret of  sports  sugarcoated money salaries.

  1. What are the 4 DNA nucleotides › ... › CategoriesScienceBiologyGeneticsCached
    The 4 nucleotides in DNA are:
    A = Adenine
    G = Guanine
    C = Cytosine
    T=  Thymine.  are 4 nucleotides of Dna molecules ...

Baseball, football, basketball are known as the SUGAR groups of nucleo.tides .....that are approved by

  1. Tidal Basin Map and Directions - Washington, DC - - Similar
    See a map and directions to the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC, The Tidal Basin map includes markers with links to the main attractions on the Tidal Basin as ...

The DNA polymer chains are held together when the bases attached to the
 sugar groups of the nucleotides
are bound together by hydrogen connections,

known as base pairing. In simple terms, a guanine molecule will bind with a cytosine molecule (using three hydrogen bonds) and an adenine molecule will bind with a thymine molecule using two hydrogen bonds.

Thus we see that hydrogen atom SIGNAL  via the Watergate affair ......was  a DNA political science message ...and the molecular  level   was  transformed/ amplified  into the level of VISIBLE human behavior signals...via the EVENT named Watergate and the bio-computer data record BUFFER code --> Bur  implies bur.glary  .....the Watergate burglary of the DEMO  head ...Democratic National Committee Headquarters -->
Head  ..quarters implies the 4 parts of their brain......thus the Washington, DC parallel to the
GANG of 4 in China.....that symbolized the  brain GANG.lions war ...... this was 1970/1972 before the start of the brain cannibal HEAD HUNTER  war known as Alzheimer's memory eaters bio-computer subroutine.

Thus the GANG of  4 in China, Asia   was Nature's advanced EXTERNAL  warning signal  of the internal brain war ......with the

Gang of 4 in China--> Ganglions and 4 nucleotides in CHIN/mouth which evolved into ALzheimer's.

Gang of 4 DNA nucleotides in CHINA  brain biochemistry war ...etc....a  big puzzle to be unraveled.

Thus the Democratic Committee  HEAD in Quarters...and the
ASIA Gang of 4 in CHIN/nose/mouth .......are different versions of the same world-wide  societal problem.

Above signals of the brain  cell WALL --> WALL STREET Journal of brain wars ....words
NBA's  lock out  --> NBA system lock

Thus the worldwide molecular cell biology DNA war continues .....known as the SCIENCE WARS ..which is WORLD WAR 3    with Alan Sokal and  his intellectual boxing match with DUKE University.  Both   parties  to that debate have been set-up by be participants in a larger theater Nature could see if the audience's  response contained any solid awareness of the deeper  levels  of existence .......besides creative writing class bull-stories in newspapers and the INTERNET.   Interesting data that helps explain the Carl Jung collective group unconsciousness and its  confident jounalism expressions .

Help  understand these puzzles. Spread the word.

Thus we see  the secret of the NBA = National Basketball Association alliance with BRAND NAME advertisers and their marketing.   Looking at the deeper secret level .....
we have the  a citizen group/ business / government master   DNA manipulation scheme ..whose component are comprised of:
NBA   sport  +  BRAND NAME television commands ...deeper  level subset
NBA ...........................DNA commands ,,,input commands to the brain computer.
The university and government intellectuals approve  of commands that are used to  manipulate, confuse, and disorientate  the Central Nervous System 370 symbolic processor and the CNS goal  for accurate and clear thoughts.

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