The Darwinian evolution of Escherichia coli into new formats of expression.
-----> E COL Interface and the supersymmetry bio-physics messages for the FACE of
Lieutenant COL Timothy L. Thomas (USA Ret.) .... analyst at the Foreign Military Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
The Mind Has No Firewall" by Col. Timothy L. Thomas (US Army, Ret.)
The Mind Has No Firewall - US Army War College TL THOMAS - 1998 - Cited by 19 - Related articles
The Mind Has No Firewall. TIMOTHY L. THOMAS ... a consequence little attention is directed toward protecting the mind and body with a firewall as we have done with hardware systems. ..... Lieutenant Colonel Timothy L. Thomas (USA Ret.) ...
The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, and peripheral nervous system, the signals sent from the cortex region of the brain to other parts of our body, the tiny hair cells in the inner ear that process auditory signals, and the light-sensitive retina and cornea of the eye that process visual activity.[2] We are on the threshold of an era in which these data processors of the human body may be manipulated or debilitated
The year 2012 view of the situation by Herb Zinser of over 256 SCIENCE WAR status reports ..available as INTERNET BLOGS.
The year 2009 Parameters of the Escherichia Coli military actions at FORT HOOD.
The living EARTH cell has many conceptual parallels to the human body cell and human cell thoughts. College textbooks in genetics, biochemistry, hematolgy, and molecular cell biology provide empircal lab data and symbolic models that explain many of the human cell processes. Using superysmmetry physics / mirrors ..... we may use some of their knowledge to understand the living EARTH cell and its many processes ...which include Nature's social engineering projects with subset humans and their institutions.
In a way, Einstein's theory of relative sizes and viewing positions allows us to use this approach.
The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) is a interesting test site. A distant astrophysics observer ....looking at EARTH ....may think of it as a living cell ..a bio-solid living in the Milky Way universe of mathematical-physics life.
For example, an astrophysics geneticists .....with EARTH LAB ... would try screening procedures ..... especially with the proximity of CALTECH astrophysics to Hollywood screens with GENE GENE Autry. What would such an influence .....of Western COWBOY movie genes ......have upon astrophysics genetic thought structures. That is described in another blog.
Here, we shall discuss the new formats of Escherichia coli...which seem to be sending the human species messages from Nature. Nature and its vast variety of expressions ..considers subset humans and their institutions as EARTH LAB specimens year 2012..... social engineering LAB specimens .......groups of people, communities, cities, governments, etc.
The E.coli messages seem be to social engineering feedback signals ....... sometimes tragic signals ....because of the need to get human attention ...such as that provided by FRONT-PAGE newspaper headlines of a tragedy.

Escherichia coli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Escherichia coli is a Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium that is commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms (endotherms). Most E. coli ...
Model organismE. coli is frequently used as a model organism in microbiology studies. Cultivated strains (e.g. E. coli K12) are well-adapted to the laboratory environment, and, unlike wild type strains, have lost their ability to thrive in the intestine. Many lab strains lose their ability to form biofilms.[54][55] These features protect wild type strains from antibodies and other chemical attacks, but require a large expenditure of energy and material resources.
SOS response - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
In Escherichia coli, different classes of DNA-damaging agents can initiate the SOS response, as described above. Taking advantage of an operon fusion placing ...
What is an example of a city with social science E. Coli ?
Nature provided the SIGNAL of the SOS repsonse VIA humanoid messenger SOSA ...Sammy SOSA.
Nature provided the SIGNAL of the SOS repsonse VIA humanoid messenger SOSA ...Sammy SOSA.
The contaminated cities are Baltimore, Chicago and the state of TEXAS.
Major league career
- Model organism
Using supersymmetry physics / parallel processing ...modern television photons have EM --> ElectroMagnetic parallel features
The SOS Response of Escherichia coli
The SOS system was the first Escherichia coli regulatory network to be identified that is induced by DNA damage. It is the largest, most complex, and ...
E. Coli WAR College
The Mind Has No Firewall - US Army War College TL THOMAS - 1998 - Cited by 19 - Related articles
The Mind Has No Firewall. TIMOTHY L. THOMAS ... a consequence little attention is directed toward protecting the mind and body with a firewall as we have done with hardware systems. ..... Lieutenant Colonel Timothy L. Thomas (USA Ret.) ..."The Mind Has No Firewall" by Col. Timothy L. Thomas (US Army, Ret.)
"The Mind Has No Firewall" by Col. Timothy L. Thomas (US Army, Ret.)
Let's look at the 4 DNA nucleotides T, A, G, C. The DNA military regulatory agency ...comprised of humanoids ..was assigned to the TAG group of soldiers labeled the pen.TAG.on. They seem to have some intellectual communication problems in year 2012.
Thus we can see the DNA role of the U.S.ARMY in various biochemistry and governmental affairs.
Let's clarify the concepts of government levels the context of Nature.
The periodic atomic table has many formats of expression. One such FORMAT are atomic humans with an atomic brain symbolic computer that expresses messages on behalf of the atomic table of life and thought and feelings. Humans are thus considered as representatives or messengers or business LAB partners working with the atomic/astrophysics continuum, its life, and the thought formats within it.
Thus the atomic level is considered a basic level of Nature.
The 2nd level would be the genetics, biochemistry, molecular cell biology governments of NATURE.
Then we would have humans and their governments and institutions.
Let's look at Nature and the concept of superysmmetry bio-physics / parallel processing / mirrors. the conceptual context of the living geography EARTH cell .....and the various subset cells possible .....such as a 180 pound set of adult male human cells OR the smaller cells found in a university biology LAB.
Using these concepts we shall outline the theory ...regarding the evolution of Escherichia coli 0157 H 7 into an advanced bio-computer version of E. Coli. We know that all organisms do data processing ....they have input and output. Those computer science systems of Nature have existed for millions of years.
Let's look at a model of the advanced E.coli 0157H that exists in the context of EARTH LAB.
In the context of the large EARTH LAB ......the Fort Hood geography site would be like a parallel to university lab room.
Einstein's theory of relative sizes and viewing positions is a useful conceptual tool.
Einstein's theory of relative sizes and viewing positions is a useful conceptual tool.
a) college/university LAB room is one size .....with bacteria and equipment for experiments. Inside that LAB room may be a piece of equipemnt called a LAB HOOD.
b) the atrophysics universe LAB room .....the EARTH and places like FORT HOOD (a LAB HOOD equivalent)
![]() | |||||
There are certain traits in an E. coli strain to look for when searching for a suitable host for M13:
M13 bacteriophage is one of the members of filamentous bacteriophages,
which only adsorbs on F+ E. coli cells
by interacting with F conjugative pilus [18].
Thus we see a mathematical mapping of some type.......
FROM the university LAB ...the descriptive words above of cells/ processes
FROM the university LAB ...the descriptive words above of cells/ processes
ARE mapped/and amplified
TO a larger, parallel EARTH geography sized setting of concrete buildings and adult people.
Thus NATURE ......has provided researchers with a MIRROR ...that seems to describe some social science bacteria problems.
Now, let's look at the EARTH version of Escherichia Coli ...and its features.
--> Fortran H computer language adapted to human bio-computers
The IBM Fortran H Compiler - ElsevierDirect
IBM's Fortran H Compiler ... Started with a good compiler — Fortran H Extended. Fortran H - one of 1st commercial compilers to perform systematic analysis ... File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint -
The IBM Fortran H Compiler - ElsevierDirect
Quick ViewIBM's Fortran H Compiler ... Started with a good compiler — Fortran H Extended. Fortran H - one of 1st commercial compilers to perform systematic analysis ... File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint -
Classic Optimizing Compilers IBM's Fortran H Compiler
Improved Optimization of Fortran Object Programs. R.G. Scarborough & H.G. Kolsky. Started with a good compiler — Fortran H Extended. File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat -
Classic Optimizing Compilers IBM's Fortran H Compiler
Quick ViewImproved Optimization of Fortran Object Programs. R.G. Scarborough & H.G. Kolsky. Started with a good compiler — Fortran H Extended. File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat -
--> Fortran extensions into daily life of human bio-computers ...and the bio-computer WAR signs
Fortran H --> subset words Fort H --> Fort Hood
Fortran H --> subset words ran H --> soldier ran from Hasan's shooting
350 × 175 - The Fortran archive is a collection of items, primarily documents, relating to the early years of the development of the programming language Fortran, ...
U.A.ARMY data processing question
Should I learn Fortran? - › ... › Computer ProgrammingCached - Similar
8 posts - 7 authors - Nov 25, 2004
Nonsense! Fortran is not a dead language, it is very much
a live and useful language
with new applications being written in it every day.
The FORT HOOD new application of FORTRAN.
The FORT hood 13 human soldiers that RAN are dead ....
but FORTRAN social engineering language is alive in subliminal minds and in COMPUTER EARTH system 370.
The FORT HOOD new application of FORTRAN evolution and the evolution of awareness by some humans with a Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic bio-computer with eye/optical data processing abilities of the photon/symbolic life concept:
Democracy = D + em + ocr + acy =
D = Demo of the White House (White spectrum and English language symbolic house)
em = Thomas Edison electromagnetic light from light bulbs at night
ocr = the human eye/retina/pupil /iris ocr = optical character reader
Tell COMPUTER World magazine to pay attention to the modern formats of expression of EARTH computer wars ...such as the Base 16 HEX battle on April 16 at Virginia TECH.
but FORTRAN social engineering language is alive in subliminal minds and in COMPUTER EARTH system 370.
The FORT HOOD new application of FORTRAN evolution and the evolution of awareness by some humans with a Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic bio-computer with eye/optical data processing abilities of the photon/symbolic life concept:
Democracy = D + em + ocr + acy =
D = Demo of the White House (White spectrum and English language symbolic house)
em = Thomas Edison electromagnetic light from light bulbs at night
ocr = the human eye/retina/pupil /iris ocr = optical character reader
Tell COMPUTER World magazine to pay attention to the modern formats of expression of EARTH computer wars ...such as the Base 16 HEX battle on April 16 at Virginia TECH.
Combine ......Fortran H with Escherichia Coli
High Performance Fortran in Practice
Apr 30, 1996 – High Performance Fortran (HPF) was defined in 1993 to provide a portable syntax for expressingdata-parallel computations in Fortran.
E. Coli 0157:H7 Infection Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment ... › ... › e. coli 0157:h7 indexCached - SimilarWhat are the complications of infection with E. coli 0157:H7? ...
Escherichia coli O157:H7 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Escherichia coli O157:H7 is an enterohemorrhagic strain of the bacterium Escherichia coli and a ..... "Method to isolate
Escherichia coli 0157:H7 ......".
ESCHERICHIA Coli and its bio-computer influence on events
What is Escape key? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia ... 
A key on computer keyboards, usually labeled Esc. In DOS and Windows environments, pressing the Escape key usually cancels or aborts the current operation.
What is Escape key?
Ask Fort Hood computer programmers.
Ask University of Texas systems analysts.
Ask Janet Reno about the renormalization physics equations escape at Waco, Texas.
What is Escape key? Play by Sartre " NO EXIT".
Mark Todd | Death toll rises to 13 in Ft. Hood shootings - Los ... 
What secret Pentagon/DARPA computer experiment is described in the above NEWS report...on the Computer Earth system 370 OS/JCL battle.field ..........battles of DATA FIELDS.
rampage --> Random access method page (ERROR)
Todd --> TOD + DD --> Time Of Day ( computer clock) DD = Data Definition
Readiness --> Read + in --> Read input processing Center ( to what novel COMPUTER does the Soldier read input center provide soldier bio-data input records?)
What possible COMPUTER MODEL of the universe on EARTH could explain the words:
Soldier READ input Center of the U.S. Army = Ar + My = Area Myoglobin proteins of the elbowm arm, hand writing muscles. Thus see begin to see the SYMBOLIC UNIVERSE on Earth Lab with the key English language vowels:
I = Input
O = Output
U = Universe
We clearly see another Computer model ...I shall call COMPUTER EARTH system 370 .....but the details need to be clarified.
Thus we have EARTH LAB and geography LAND at Killeen, Texas.
a) LAND at --> LAN + dat = Local Area Network data .....
b) Escherichia coli implies ESC key ...withe the geography land as a keyboard
c) military FORT soldiers ran when they saw Virgin TECH biochemistry version H --> Fortran H bio-computer powers
d ) FORT H --> HOODLUM --> HOOD + LU + M = Logical Unit + M13 bacteriophage
e) biochemistry Major H
f) Escherichia coli 0157 H 7
Take the above H concepts above and COMPILE them together using NATURE's systems ....and we end up with some Sartre existential entity in the Earth geography LAN KILL zone of KILLeen, Texas ...that we label as - -> advanced bio-computer E Col interface 0157H 7 ......of Earth government biochemistry military rank COL (Colonel) sending a commications to the aware COL Timothy Thomas regarding the new RULES of warfare on EARTH with the SCIENCE WARS.
The Mind Has No Firewall" by Col. Timothy L. Thomas (US Army, Ret.) 
Thus we have a new perception of
E, Coli .......
E = Earth military COL = Colonel ...... the parallel / supersymmetry to.
human military COL = Colonel.
The University of Texas, Austin never heard of the Fort Hood computer words, suggesting the TEXAS murder cover-ups from November 1963 thru November 2009. People in TEXAS take university English courses in creative writing class. I took a course in REALITY writing in high school and went to FSU to take the basic English required of math/physics majors.
OS/JCL with bio-computer Lee Harvey OSWALD in 1963
DP = Data Processing using DP = Dallas People brain processors
Jack Ruby = SNA VTAM RU byte = Request Unit byte
computer page,
computer address space,
read input data records,
Data Defintion.
Thus we have many questions and secrets ......that have yet to be explained. Incomplete explanations and bull-stories in YEAR 2102 are an insult to knowledge. The abundance of college math, physics and computer textbooks in year 2012 ......make the newspaper stories of the tragedy ...a comedy in event analysis. The deeper levels of REALITY that underlie the tragic EVENT are ignored by the DARPA and Pentagon puppet universities. Their atomic bio-physics brain cells are under control of puppet string theory physics projects of NATURE ........ and the periodic atomic table with its modern Margaret Mead atomic anthropology project expressions.
We see an outline of an interesting social science process of Nature. We live on EARTH and ought try to undertsand this social engineering PROCESS CONTROL SIGNAL.
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